Tuesday 8 September 2015

Summer research project: Science Fiction film

 Iron Man 3

Section 1

1) The sub-genre for Iron Man 3 would be experimental, mutation and dystopion future.  

2) In Iron Man 3, Tony Stark( Robert Downey Jr.) comes across a malignant enemy and has taken away his loved ones. He has to be more dependant on this suits to take down his enemy Mandarin       ( Ben Kingsley) in order to save his loved one, Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow). Mandarin also uses Tony Starks iron suits against him.

3) The setting is linked to a Si-Fi genre because Tony Starks house is a modern house which shows the glimpse of future creations and technology. In the Film, there is robots talking and working which this generation does not have. He roams in his house as if the future technology was not new to him. This is what Si-Fi is known for, its futuristic concept.

4) Robert Downey Jr. is linked to Sci-Fi because most of this film are in Si-Fi and action based genres. He is also linked to Si-Fi film because his personality is like he knows what he is doing which suggests that he understands technology more than anyone.

5) The narrative theme for this film would be dystopian future which's fits into an action and Sci-Fi genre because in the end there is an fight using technology.There is so much chaos at the ending of the film which shows an dystopian future. Technology is being used to protect him and other people which no one uses in this generation. 

Section 2

1) The production company for Iron Man 3 is Marvel who presented it. Paramount Pictures is also a production company for Iron Man 3 but they are in association with DMG Entertainment for the film.

2) The Actors/Actresses:

Robert Downey Jr. Tony Stark

Gwyneth Paltrow           Pepper Potts

Don Cheadle Colonel James Rhodes

Guy Pearce                  Aldrich Killian

Rebecca Hall...              Maya Hansen

Jon Favreau                 Happy Hogan

Ben Kingsley                Trevor Slattery

3) Marvel Comics was founded in 1939. It first started as comics then into a film production company. It was then called Marvel Entertainment.

4)  The Walt Disney Company is the parents of Marvel. On August 31, 2009, The Walt Disney Company announced a deal with marvel.

5) Marvel is famous in many ways. They are the production company for many famous films like Spider-Man 1-2 and 3, Captain America,The Incredible Hulk, Fantastic 4 and many more. Marvel has also been associated with Columbia Pictures in Spider-Man. There has been films where Marvel has also have been with Universals Studios, Paramount Pictures and 20th Central Fox.

6) Iron Man 3 cost about $200 million to make. Iron Man 3 made $409 million domestically and internationally, it made $806 million so in overall the film made about $1.2 billion.

7) Iron Man 3 has won many awards and been nominated many times as well! It has won the Summer 2013 Blockbuster Trailer , Best Comic Book Adaptation Movie , Peoples Best Voted Action Movie 2013. The only thing that people criticized Iron Man 3 was that the film was more focused on Tony Starks life than Iron Man's. Another thing that people said was the script was not good because it had shown a hostage scene with a child. The thing that was wrong in this was the Tony Stark made look like he was doing nothing bad, making it look like it was ok.

8) The targeted audience is around the age of 13 to 18 years old because this is like a superhero film which teenagers would like. The film is for men and women.

1 comment:

  1. WWW: This is an impressive summer project - a good choice of film that fits the Science Fiction genre. I'm particularly pleased with the detail you've gone into in many places - linking key Science Fiction sub-genres as well as detailed research into awards and box office success.
    EBI/LR: There is one immediate area for improvement - written English. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are all marked in GCSE Media and it's very difficult to reach the top grades if you are not 100% accurate. In this project, there are errors in terms of spelling (e.g. Si-Fi should be Sci-Fi) and also punctuation and capital letters. Your learner response is to proof-read the original post and correct as many errors as you can. Once you've done that, write a comment below this one discussing the target audience in more detail. If the film made over $1 BILLION at the box office surely the age range would be more than just teenagers?
