Saturday 19 September 2015




X-Men:Days Of The Future Past 


The  title is in a futuristic font which connotes that this is Sci-Fi genre. The release date is near summer.Most blockbuster films are released near summer. The Director for this film was Bryan Singer. The films production company is Marvel Entertainment and TSG Entertainment and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
We can tell that this is a Sci-Fi film poster because there is a shine on the letter 'M' in the title which draws your eye to the font. The billing block is in a shadow of black because it would make the it stand out. X-Men is the biggest sized font because the previous films were big blockbuster so everyone notice's that another has been released.


The effect of having such a famous actor is that people would be intrigued to watch the film, this is the same for a famous director. This film has broken the franchise box office record in just 9 days.One of the film company that produced X-Men was Marvel Entertainment. Marvel Entertainment films are normally in an Sci-Fi action packed genre. This is a reason why this was a big hit! Marvel doesn't usually sign famous actors therefore, this makes them more famous as they have new actors all the time.


This film looks like it is targeted to a mixed gender however it could be more to men. The thing that makes it targeted to women as well is the blue women in the back. The way we can tell is that on the poster there are more men than girls.The age that this films targets is 12 and higher. This looks like a dystopian future content which kids wouldn't really understand.


The centre of the poster is taken up by a man and a women which apply's  that they are the main characters since they take up the most. The man is in a heroic stance as he is showing his powers from the knuckles. The women in the back is looking straight on but is half covered, this could mean she is under protection or she is a helper for the man. The background is buildings which is broken. this mean there will be chaos. this comes under the concept of dystopian future. Another reason is that half of the poster is red and the other half is blue, the red could indicate evil and the blue can indicate good. this shows there will be a rival between them. There are robots flying in the air in the corner, this tells the audience that this film is set in the future.


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